Erwin National Fish Hatchery

The Erwin National Fish Hatchery is one of more than 75 units in the National Fish Hatchery System administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The Service also manages over 500 national wildlife refuges and major fish and wildlife research laboratories across the country. As the Nation’s primary steward of fish and wildlife resources, the Service provides leadership in habitat and wetlands protection; fish and wildlife research and technical assistance; and in the conservation and protection of migratory birds, anadromous fishes, certain marine mammals, and threatened and endangered species.

Six raceways are available on weekends for viewing, although the lower raceways are closed to protect the valuable broodstock. A broodstock display pond is located by the information kiosk. A picnic pavilion and parking areas are provided for public use. During your visit please feel free to call upon us to answer any questions you may have concerning the hatchery.  Hatchery Hours:  7:00 am – 3:30 pm · Monday through Friday

Erwin National Fish Hatchery

520 Federal Hatchery Rd
Erwin, TN 37650
(423) 743-4712

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